Dear Friends,
The Christmas season is soon to end; but the winter season is here to stay. I hope these first few days of the New Year bring Good News and joy to your hearts —and light to offset the darkness of the season — literally and figuratively. Speaking of good news, as we start a new year, we hope your planning will include joining us, once again, for a new set of in-person First Friday programs.
The Cenacle Sisters are proud to partner with the National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (2520 N Lakeview Ave, Chicago, IL 60614, blocks from the former Cenacle Retreat House on Fullerton) where First Fridays will take place over the coming months.
Doors open at 9:15 AM and First Fridays at the Shrine are from 9:30 – 11:30 AM with Mass at 12:00 PM. There may be light refreshments and fellowship after Eucharist. Facilitators include Sisters Mary Guido, Mary Peters, and Pamela Falkowski, on the First Fridays of:
February 7 March 7 April 4 May 2
Also, in June, we hope you can join us for the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of the Cenacle (June 7), which includes the Eucharist at the Cenacle Province location. More information may be found on our website, in the coming days.
First Friday programs are open to men and women. Please invite a friend who would benefit from a visit to the Shrine and the spiritual nourishment of a Cenacle Sister. There is a space limitation and registration is required. Registration is through the Shrine’s website More information on each First Friday session will be available on both the Cenacle’s and Shrine’s website.
Be sure of a warm welcome and promise of prayer,
Mark E. Piper
Director for Ministry & Mission Advancement, Cenacle Sisters NAP
PS – Contact Nancy Golen at the Shrine with any questions, or
Contact Stephanie Capone at the Cenacle at / 773.528.6300 x3802