Retreats and programs

z2023 Spring Centering Prayer


Sponsored by the Cenacle (and facilitated by Sr. Mary Peters, r.c.) online Centering Prayer is offered virtually on Mondays at 10:00am – 10:50am Central.

Spring 2023 Centering Prayer is on Monday April 17, April 24, May 1, May 8, May 15, and May 22.

(You need not attend all six session; you need not inform us if you register but are unable to attend.)


All are welcome.  For those unfamiliar, Centering Prayer with the Cenacle is 50 minutes and is a method of mostly silent, contemplative prayer. This method of prayer employs lectio divina and visio divina, reading a particular passage or seeing a particular image and then praying about that, singularly, as best one can. This is a guided prayer. You do not need to attend all six days. For more information on Centering Prayer you can view this video prepared by a Cenacle Associate and another Centering Prayer facilitator:

(Free will offering is appreciated. You do not need to attend each and every session.)


About the facilitator

Sr. Mary Peters, r.c., is a trained spiritual director.


For more information or to reserve your space,
please fill out the form and below and the Ministry Office will respond.

May 22, 2023
Facilitated by: Sr. Mary Peters, r.c.
10:00 AM Central

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