Retreats and programs

zRediscovering Familiar Prayers: The Our Father and The Merton Prayer


Praying “other people’s” prayer is often difficult. This virtual session will explore two prayers—one by Jesus of Nazareth (the only prayer he taught his disciples) popularly called “The Lord’s Prayer” or “The Our Father,” and the other by Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk, who wrote a prayer popularly referred to as “The Merton Prayer” or “I Don’t Know Where I’m Going.”

Leading the discussion will be Fr. Patrick Hannon, CSC, a writing professor at the University of Portland, Oregon, who has recently published the book “Such Dizzy Natural Happiness: A Long Loving Look at the Our Father,” and Steven A. Denny, based in Oak Park, Illinois, an ordained minister, lawyer, mediator, and student of Middle-East languages who wrote the book “The Merton Prayer: An Exercise in Authenticity.”

Moderating the presentation will be Gregory Pierce, publisher of ACTA Publications. The event will last 90 minutes and will include ample opportunity for questions, comments, and discussion. The books are both available at and booksellers nationwide and online.


Who: YOU!

What: An online discussion (no need to have read either book to participate)

Where: Online

When: Weds. February 15 at 8pm Eastern / 7pm Central 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific

Why: To remember, reimagine, rediscover or perhaps to just be in the moment as some well known prayers are unpacked and deconstructed.

This is a free event sponsored by the Sisters of the Cenacle. However, those who wish and are able are welcome to make a free-will offering HERE.

February 15, 2023
Facilitated by: Greg Pierce
7:00 PM Central

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