Sister Circles
A Celebration of Remembering
What has been forgotten? – the Divine Feminine that is rising and calling us to awaken to her presence within and around us.
(A Virtual Program, led by Sr. Anelie Arao, r.c. at 6:30 PM Central on the Second Thursday of every month)
“The feminine holds the mystery of creation. This simple and primordial truth is often overlooked, but at
this time of global crisis, which also carries the seeds of a global transformation, we need to reawaken to
the spiritual power and potential of the feminine. Feminine qualities belong to both men and women, and
they draw us into the depths within us, into the mysteries of the soul whose wisdom is called Sophia.
Without the feminine nothing new can be born, nothing new can come into existence – we will remain
caught in the materialistic images of life that are polluting our planet and desecrating our souls. We need
to return to the core of our being, where the sacred comes into existence. And the mystical feminine holds
the key to this work of redemption and transformation.”
Reference: The Return of the Feminine & the World Soul By: Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
New Focus of our Sister Circle: reclaiming the Sacred Wisdom of the Great
Mother, the Feminine Divine, Sophia, in the depths of our being as women.
Come to the Sister Circle – to experience part of the wisdom of the feminine bit by bit
as we wait, as we listen and be receptive to the Great Mother who is speaking to us, all the
time. This a monthly, virtual gathering, on Zoom, led by Cenacle Sister Anelie Arao, r.c.
This “Sister Circle” is affiliated with the Gather the Women Global Matrix.
“GTW is a worldwide sisterhood that connects women through Circles, creating a safe
space to share our true selves. In Circles we find our voices, reclaim our power and
remember our self-worth. We celebrate our unique diversity as well as the rising of the
Divine Feminine, leading to personal and planetary transformation.” GTW Vision Statement
(Free will offering)
For more information or to reserve your space,
please fill out the form and below and the Ministry Office/Sr. Anelie will respond.