Retreats and programs

Christian Meditation


WEEKLY – Tuesdays at 7:00 – 8:00 PM Central Time

The weekly Christian Meditation Group is a
significant phenomenon in the church today. It is
part of the great movement of the Holy Spirit that
is deepening the spiritual life of lay Christians all
over the world. Groups now meet in 35 countries,
in parishes, homes, offices, schools, prisons,
hospitals and communities.

Practicing the meditation form taught by
Christian meditation pioneer, Fr. John Main,
OSB, (1926-1982), an English Benedictine monk,
the format of the group is simple and open to
people of all faiths. It consists of three essential
 Time for the teaching (a tape or talk)
 Half-hour of meditation in silence
 Time for questions or sharing

The facilitator, Sr. Anelie Arao, r.c. has
been a Cenacle Sister for 57 years and has served
in the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,
Ghana, West Africa and many parts of the United
States. She has many years of experience in
meditation, in spiritual direction and in the giving
of retreats and personally practices meditation.
She is well versed in meditation and the spiritual
life from varied spiritual traditions.

(Free will offering)

For more information or to reserve your space,
please fill out the form and below and the Ministry Office will respond.

February 4, 2025
Facilitated by: Sr. Anelie Arao, r.c.
7:00 PM Central

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