Retreats and programs

zDeepening Faith Through the Lens of Science


This online program (Zoom) shall be recorded for all registrants.


 Max. attendance 60 persons

When: Weds. January 18, 2023
Duration: 90 minute online program beginning at 9:30 AM Central and ending at 11:00 AM Central


St. Ignatius tells us God is found in all things.  Science and faith are not mutually exclusive, but rather mutually enriching.  The wonders of science can enrich the seeds of our faith and our appreciation of God’s creative power.  The immense expanse of God’s creation and the power of our divinely created intellect provide a fertile field from which to harvest the gifts of faith and reverence of creation.  Faith should cause us to look not only inward, but outward to embrace all that God has wrought. Presented by math teacher and Cenacle Auxiliary Ann Frearson, this presentation with question-and-answer time is an opportunity for understanding, listening, and perhaps growing in faith and knowledge.

January 18, 2023
Facilitated by: Ann Frearson
9:30 AM Central

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