“First Fridays” are a centuries old devotion in the Catholic Church. The Cenacle Sisters have long celebrated Frist Fridays, in person pre-pandemic, by hosting women for a spiritual presentation with the Sisters. Since Covid, our First Friday devotional series has shifted online and is open to both men and women. Months in 2023 where the Cenacle will sponsor an online First Friday have not yet been chosen. However, in 2022 the Cenacle hosted or will host a First Friday in February, April, October, and December.
On December 2nd, Sr. Mary Jane Laffan, r.c. will explore
“Intercessory Prayer, How Do We Know that Our Requests are Heard?”
This Group is designed for people of all ages, faiths and professions.
Programs are given by Cenacle Sisters who are trained in Spirituality, Prayer and Retreats.
Topics vary each semester and are directed toward spiritual growth.
This is the perfect opportunity to give yourself some self-care and meet interesting people.
Presentation followed by reflection, sharing, and prayer are part of the morning.
This program is open to past Cenacle retreat participants, men and women, who wish to attend. As always, please feel free to invite your friends to join us (virtually) for the gathering on December 2 at 10 am and lasts one hour.
We look forward to welcoming you again, hearing from you, your sharing is always a special part of our time together!