Retreats and programs

Icons of Cenacle Spirituality: Saint Ignatius of Loyola


This short pre-recorded symposium, created and facilitated by Sr. Susan Arcaro, r.c. is offered to any person who wishes to spend 15 minutes quieting their heart at whatever time of day works best with their busy schedule and the demands of life. 

“Ignatius, Courier of God”

Jesuit spirituality is integral to the charism of the Cenacle Sisters and their mission of cooperating with the Holy Spirit to awaken and deepen faith for the people or our time. The founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and that of the Spiritual Exercises is Inigo Lopez de Onaz y Loyola, better known as Ignatius of Loyola. In a concise though hospitable recounting, Sr. Susan Arcaro outlines the life of Ignatius drawing upon her many travels and experiences in the Spiritual Exercises. Loyola’s story includes that of a conversation from personal fame and glory to humility for the greater glory of god.

We happily created this program during this 500th Year Celebration of the Conversion of Ignatius of Loyola and for those persons who are unable to meet during our usual retreat offerings.


  • Recording: 16:09 minutes.
  • Reflection questions (two) included in registration email and at the end of the video.
  • We kindly ask that you not share the link provided to you.
  • You are welcome to view the video as often as you wish, whenever you wish.



Sister Susan Arcaro, Cenacle Sister from Waterbury, CT, carries the Mission of the Cenacle Sisters to parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Atlanta and to Ignatius Retreat Center, Atlanta.  She is an experienced spiritual director, retreat director, educator and facilitator of faith enrichment programs.

For eighteen years she served as an adjunct lecturer in Spring Hill College’s Certificate in Spiritual Direction program.  Presently, she is a team member of Cursillo’s School of Leaders in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. She is currently a member of the Cenacle Sisters’ North American Province Leadership Team and Province Coordinator of Cenacle Associates.  Her special interests include Church History, adult faith formation, children’s spirituality and sacred liturgy.  She holds a B.A. in Education from Assumption College, Worchester, MA, and M.A. in Spirituality and Spiritual Direction from Fordham University, and a Diploma from Association Montessori International.

July 31, 2025
Facilitated by: Sr. Susan Arcaro, r.c.
Whatever Time Works For You

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Ignatius of Loyola - Icons of Cenacle Spirituality

A recording of the life and spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola by Cenacle Sister Susan Arcaro, rc.