Lectio Divina with the Cenacle
Advent Edition
(Monday November 27, December 4, 11, and 18 from 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM Central)
This is a come as you are, free, three week prayer group sponsored by the Cenacle.
Facilitated by Mark Piper, over the four Mondays of Advent, the Cenacle is pleased to offer 45 minutes of Lectio Divina, online to begin your work week. To participate in this free prayer group, please fill-out the registration link below. You do not need to participate in all four weeks. The format of the 45 minute virtual prayer is listed below; the reading/Scripture each week will be the Gospel for the forthcoming Sunday. These online prayer groups are not recorded.
Select a Scripture passage (the following Sunday’s Gospel)
Before starting your prayer, select a passage from Scripture to use for your lectio divina. For these sessions we are choosing the Gospel passages for next Sunday. On your own, you may choose to pray with a reading from the day’s Lectionary.
Prepare for prayer
Before entering into the prayer, prepare yourself physically and mentally. Begin by sitting comfortably, placing both feet on the ground, with posture upright and hands open on your lap as if waiting to receive a gift from God. Then, abandon any daily agenda, worries or thoughts you bring to this prayer and entrust these things to the providence of God. Ask for the grace to be receptive to what God will speak to you through this Scripture reading.
Sign of the Cross
Read (lectio)
We begin by slowly and meditatively reading our Scripture passage out loud (participants will be on mute). Listen for a particular word or phrase that speaks to you at this moment and sit with it for a time.
Pause for one minute.
Meditate (meditatio) – Read the same passage a second time. As we re-engage the text, let the word or phrase that stood out become your invitation to dialogue with God. Allow the word or phrase to dwell within you and among your thoughts.
Pause for five minutes of silence; journaling is acceptable at this time.
Pray (oratio) – Read the text a third time. Thank/Ask: What is God saying to you in these words? What do you want to say to God? What feelings do these words raise up in you? Share your answers with God.
Participants are welcome to share a word or phrase, no explanation needed, if they choose to do so.
Contemplate (contemplatio)
Read the text a final time. As you do, release the word or phrase you have been praying with. Be still and rest in God’s embrace. What gift has God given you to take away from this prayer? To what action might God be inviting you? Thank God for this gift and invitation as you conclude your prayer.
Pause for one minute. Participants are welcome to voice their prayer intentions for the week ahead. The Lectio Divina session will close with the recitation of the Our Father and Sign of the Cross.
Attribution from the McGrath Institute
Monday November 27, 2023
The Gospel for 1st Sunday in Advent, (Gospel of December 3)
Monday December 4, 2023
The Gospel for the 2nd Sunday in Advent, (Gospel of December 10)
Monday December 11, 2023
The Gospel for the 3rd Sunday in Advent, (Gospel of December 17)
Monday December 18, 2023
The Gospel for the 4th Sunday in Advent, (Gospel of December 24)
Free will offering
About the facilitator
Mark Evans Piper, is the Director for Ministry and Mission Advancement for the Sisters of the Cenacle of the North American Province. Piper is a Mercy Associate, an alumnus of Amate House, a former Young Voices contributor for the National Catholic Reporter. He graduated from Saint Xavier University, majoring in Political Science with a minor in Pastoral Ministry; he obtained his Master of Science in Leadership & Policy Studies from DePaul University and has taken seminars from the McGrath Institute at the University of Notre Dame and the University of Dayton, Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (Administration in Ministry). His book, Interrupted Presence, was published by ACTA in 2021. He lives in Chicago with his wife and their two young children.