Retreats and programs

A Holy Remembrance


December 2nd, 2024 marks the 44th Anniversary of the Martyrdom in El Salvador of Maryknoll Sisters Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel and Lay Missioner Jean Donovan.

They were brutally murdered then buried in a shallow grave on December 2nd, 1980. On this day we also remember the 70,000 Salvadorans who also perished during that nation’s civil war.

Who were these courageous, faith filled women?

Why did they come to El Salvador from loving families and comfortable circumstances?

How did they each come to make such a radical choice to love Jesus Christ by serving the very poor and persecuted people of El Salvador?

This presentation aims to tell each one’s story and how she came to make such life changing choices — and the implications of those choices for people of faith to this very day.

All are welcome; proceeds benefit the ministry of the Cenacle Sisters.


About the Facilitator:

Ann Frearson, M.Ed. has taught high school mathematics and religion for 46 years and has also served as a campus minister and a learning strategist for students with learning differences. She earned her BS from Barry University, her M.Ed from FAU and a graduate certificate in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University. She feels very privileged to have helped prepare students for their roles in the world as physicians, scientists, lawyers, priests and politicians, but most importantly, people of faith. She is currently retired, but is active in her parish of St Ignatius Loyola. She believes God is found in all things and she developed a passion for studying Sacred Geometry, an ancient subject which details the divine design in all creation. She believes studying Sacred Geometry can generate a greater depth of reverence for creation and deeper belief in God’s omnipresence. She is keenly interested in the deep relationships between theology and science. Ann is also an Auxiliary of the Cenacle, a lay group of women associated with the Religious of the Cenacle, whose charism is awakening and deepening faith for all people through retreats, programs and spiritual direction.

December 2, 2024
Facilitated by: Ann Frearson, Cenacle Auxiliary
1:00 — 2:00 PM Central

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