Retreats and programs

Our Lenten Call to Trust


Metanoia – Conversion – Prayer – Fasting – Generosity

Is my Lenten observance focused on something I decide to do, or what God invites Me to?  How do I live my Lent in a way that moves me toward God’s Love?  What can this Lent call me to embrace or to let go?  We will spend this time exploring our call to let go of our own Lenten Agenda and listen for the invitation to meet God in our own life, and the life of our Church, culture and world, trusting that the Holy Spirit is at work in each of these areas.

Join this online Lenten reflection, created and guided by Cenacle Sister Roselle Haas on March 13. This is a longer (3.5 hours) program, but there will be able breaks provided, so that participants can enjoy but go more deeply into this Lenten journey.


 About the Facilitator

Sister Roselle Haas, r.c., a Cenacle Sister, an experienced retreat presenter, spiritual director and liturgist has ministered at spiritual centers in various parts of the country.  She has developed programs on images of God, discernment, styles of prayer, praying with scripture, prayer and personality, prayer beyond words, and self-image.  With degrees in the classic sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) she taught those subjects for about 20 years before moving on to full-time spiritual ministry.  Additionally, she has a degree in pastoral ministry/spirituality, and is a certified spiritual director with additional certificates in group spiritual direction and directing the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.  She is currently ministering in the Houston / Gulf Coast region in Texas.  As a Spiritual Director she pays special attention to life discernment issues.

March 13, 2024
Facilitated by: Sr. Roselle Haas, r.c.
1:00 - 4:30 PM Central

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