Collage of Words and Dreams

COLLAGE of WORDS and DREAMS A FOUR WEEK SERIES Registrants must attend all four sessions: Tues. October 8, 15, 22, and 29 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Central via Zoom Our lives are a blend of various elements…we pull memories from here and there, we mix and match events, we discover, uncover and renew relationships. […]
Centering Prayer – Holiday 2024

All are welcome! For those unfamiliar, Centering Prayer with the Cenacle is 50 minutes and is a method of mostly silent, contemplative prayer. This method of prayer employs lecio divina and visio divina, reading a particular passage or seeing a particular image and then praying about that, singularly, as best one can. This is a […]
All Souls’ Day – Afternoon of Remembrance & Appreciation

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED due to unforeseen circumstances. The presentation will be made available and linked in our emailed communications at a later date. We regret this, and apologize. ALL SOULS’ DAY Donors, Friends, and Lay Partners are cordially invited to the Cenacle Sisters NAP Province location for: All Souls’ Day Afternoon […]
You Are My Neighbor: Vigil for Peace

SAVE THE DATE A prayerful pause, a vigil on the eve of the election. Led by Cenacle Sister Margaret Rohde, rc, this 45 minute online prayer service is held on the eve of the US General/Presidential Election. This offering is providing a sense of solidarity, and a dedicated pause for prayer for the United States […]
Transforming Grace: Virtual Prayer Space

Centering Prayer – Autumn 2024

All are welcome! For those unfamiliar, Centering Prayer with the Cenacle is 50 minutes and is a method of mostly silent, contemplative prayer. This method of prayer employs lecio divina and visio divina, reading a particular passage or seeing a particular image and then praying about that, singularly, as best one can. This is a […]
Prickly People: A Workshop To Help Us All!

Whether it’s a friend’s occasional moodiness or the grouch at work, or perhaps the person in the mirror, there are people with whom we are uncomfortable with at times. No matter what our personal environment happens to be, we all interact with people who are irritating, defensive, irksome, and frustrating — in short, prickly! While […]
First Friday (February 2025) In-Person

Spring First Fridays at the National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini feature: February 7 – Sr. Mary Guido March 7 – Sr. Kathy Scott April 4 – Sr. Pamela Falkowski May 2 – Sr. Ann Goggin Please visit the Shrine’s website for further details and registration: (Events/Happenings) Formerly hosted at the 513 W. Fullerton […]
First Friday (December, in-person)

First Fridays at the Shrine December 6, 2024 –> Now December 13, 2024 due to scheduling issues Sr. Kathy Scott, rc Amid the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, we are invited to be ready to receive the gentle touch and soft glance of an ever-self-revealing God. Come and be part of […]
Friday Friday (November, in-person)

First Fridays at the Shrine November 1, 2024 LIFE IS CHANGED, NOT ENDED Sr. Mary Guido, r.c. (Doors open at 9:00 AM, Program begins promptly at 9:30 AM) “In [Christ] the hope of blessed resurrection has dawned, that those saddened by the certainty of dying might be consoled by the promise of immortality to come. […]