Retreats and programs

The Divine Feminine


The Divine Feminine / In Our Right Minds — an online series by Dale Allen, for the Cenacle.

This series is open only to women.



In Our Right Minds

6-week Immersion, with Dale Allen

Join us for transformative teachings honoring your Divine Feminine with access to an online community and recorded sessions. This is the “In Our Right Minds” curriculum and immersion experience. We will journey together and experience how Divine Feminine energy works through each of us uniquely: through our bones, our blood, our psyches, our dreams and creative manifestations… and through us all collectively as we co-create a world of balance.

Join live or on your own time with recorded sessions.  We will all participate in an online community to share and connect throughout the 6 weeks.

Dive in and Discover…

Archetypes are inward images in the human psyche that belong to all of us.  Discover how the healing Goddess archetype is gaining energy in our psyches and our world.

Often, women are afraid to stand out, speak up, be noticed, take leadership, and be in their full power.  Learn about the untold history of women, the psychic shackles that remain in us today, and the way toward liberation.

Learn also about the history before gender hierarchy was established, and experience the freedom that comes when we open to our natural balance.

How do our brains work?  Inside your own cranium is a profound intelligence that is your birthright. It is the wise perspective of your right brain.

Consider body image and concepts around age.  Embracing the many forms of feminine beauty, power, and presence is beneficial for all people.  See how images of the sacred feminine can be so reparative.


Visit with the Maiden, the Mother and Crone within you. These archetypes have been with you all your life.  Open to their profound gifts.

You are co-creator of humanity’s future. This course will help you discern and harness the role you are here to play.

Live Sessions are Wednesdays:  January 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26, and March 5. Each live session is at 1o:00 AM – 11:00 AM Central (11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern).

About the Facilitator:

Dale Allen has for 25 years shared the healing energy of the sacred feminine through her work: In Our Right Minds, which has been widely acclaimed at universities, conferences, corporations, theaters, and expos across the US, Canada, from Kauai to Dubai, the UN Commission on the Status of Women, and the Parliament of the World’s Religions. Her new book, In Our Right Minds is an Amazon International Bestseller, and the film version has been awarded in 19 Independent Film Festivals worldwide.

In Our Right Minds is a sweeping journey covered efficiently and clearly, in short order -judiciously illuminating the history and relevance of the Goddess archetype, as well as its connection to our right-brain intelligence.  In Our Right Minds garners praise for being well-researched, organized, clear, level, balanced, without blame, and inclusive of all the human family.  Dale also presents In Our Right Minds for book clubs, film screening events and as a . 6-week course.

The Dale Allen Podcast ranks in the top 10% globally.  A veteran of corporate, commercial, and creative communications,  Dale’s extensive resume includes hundreds of voice-over, on-camera, theater and live presentation projects.   Described as having the energy of “a Cape Canaveral lift-off,” Dale thoroughly engages and inspires her audience, which ranges from highly educated corporate leaders to teenage girls seeking their place in the world.

“Dale’s warmth, empathy and knowledge inspires the wisdom within each of us. That seed is encoded with an intelligence, and we are each its sacred gardener, necessary to futurize our world.”


January 29, 2025
Facilitated by: Dale Allen
10:00 AM Central

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