Join us as we are led by Joan McGovern in discovering (or recovering) the grace of spiritual detachment…
Spiritual detachment is a process that frees us from whatever interferes with our spiritual
growth. It helps us avoid disordered inclinations and relationships with persons or things that
keep us from God’s love. Allow God to join you on your spiritual walk and experience a new
sense of comfort as you detach in faith.
This is a 90 minute virtual retreat with a maximum group size of 25 persons. All retreatants will be visible as there will be time for group sharing.
WHERE: Online viz Zoom
WHEN: 9:30 Central on April 4th
WHY: While spiritual detachment is practical in all seasons and for all people, this program is offered during Holy Week and therefore provides an opportunity to dedicate some time for reflection and devotion at this meaningful time of faith.
Joan McGovern, companions individuals along their spiritual journey in various capacities of Hospital Chaplain, Spiritual Director, Retreat Facilitator and Bereavement Coordinator. She is certified to conduct the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Theology.