“On that day…” the disciples had to get away from the suffering, fear and hopelessness. They
took to the road…the Road to Emmaus. Sometimes we need a Road to Emmaus where we can
turn to the God of the resurrection for answers. It is on the road where Jesus walks with us in our
suffering, fear and hopelessness, helping us to make sense of the things around us.
This is a 90 minute virtual retreat with a maximum group size of 25 persons. All retreatants will be visible as there will be time for group sharing.
WHERE: Online viz Zoom
WHEN: 9:30 Central on May 2 (90 minutes)
WHY: Liturgically, the readings about the Road to Emmaus were just recited. In a timely fashion, this offering allows one to spend more time in prayer, in pondering, and in communion with others about this journey, what it means, and how one can go deeper into the story.
Joan McGovern, companions individuals along their spiritual journey in various capacities of Hospital Chaplain, Spiritual Director, Retreat Facilitator and Bereavement Coordinator. She is certified to conduct the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Theology.