Statement Regarding Buffalo & Uvalde

May 27, 2022

O, Lord, to whom shall we go?

From across the United States we, Cenacle Sisters, continue to grieve and offer our broken hearts — again. We recognize the goodness of God and of his creation; we also recognize the grief, pain, and the lamentation of parents, children, neighbors, and teachers, especially in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas.

Horror and loss, tragedy and carnage are burdens that weigh unimaginably on survivors; we grieve in our prayer, presence, and tearful support for the survivors and their beloved dead. We also believe the way of things can and must change. These frequent slaughters can and must end. Please join us in our prayer, example, and “a willingness to do what we can to alleviate these evils, to engage in the struggle for justice …” (Cenacle Constitutions #12).

We offer, in solidarity, our nonviolent contemplative presence to this world and especially around these uniquely American horrors. “Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord,” we recall each day at Mass. And we are doers of the Word not just hearers of the Word. In distress and pain we continue to seek conversion of hearts, new ways to love, and the grace to show others nonviolent service in support of creation.

May God comfort the mourning.

May Christ welcome the dead.

May our prayers inspire changes in hearts, laws, and cultures so that we may live in peace.


The Cenacle Sisters NAP