You’re Invited! The 2023 Cenacle Feast Day Celebration

March 7, 2023

We’re happy to announce that our Feast Day Celebration is open to the public!

Please join us at our new location 3800 W Peterson Ave. Chicago, IL 60659 from 2:00 – 5:00 PM on Saturday Mary 27 as we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Cenacle!

RSVP required. Please email Mark Piper at

Our celebration begins with the Eucharist at 2:00 PM with Rev. Peter Bernardi, SJ presiding. A reception and program will follow the Mass.

Again, to RSVP or if you have questions, please contact Mark at

If you cannot join us in person, the Mass will be recorded, and possibly live-streamed at

Artwork (C) Sr. Pamela J. Falkowski, r.c.