November 2023
“‘We should not forget that we were born as Congregation on the route of pilgrims …’ This place of our birth marks us forever, until it becomes an integral part of our spirituality, of who we are … we have not finished discovering its full depth.”
— Véronique Fabre, General Superior, Sisters of the Cenacle
Dear Friends,
Last year at this golden time for Mother Nature, we were inviting you into remembering with us the promise of our Good God: “See I am doing something new!” (Isaiah 43:18) and just how God was manifesting this divine assurance in our lives. As usual, we can only know part of the story. God’s work is on-going and transformation is the dynamism of life. We see it everywhere in creation and our own lives.
With the “something new” comes change, comes new appearances, new eyes, fresh interpretations, and, hopefully, an awakened imagination with inspiring insights. When the lingering of good-byes to our retreat centers – our old way of life – was still fresh, we did not know we would be given a call that would substantiate all the surrendering we did over the past six years. We did not know we would be called to our fundamental roots, to be “on the route of pilgrims.” What could be more radical than selling your home to be on a never-ending pilgrimage, on the way to nowhere in particular, but always with and toward the Risen Christ! That is just where we are: on pilgrimage.
Do you see how gradually our identity has been moving beyond solid and durable places to heart-space, to a different quality of presence, a different accessibility and visibility; no longer a property with a building, it is each one of us holding that heart-space, that Cenacle, that Christ-light for you and each other. That we no longer have a table to call our own, we are free to move about – much like Jesus did – to other tables and to find Eucharist beyond our doors, to meet others (and perhaps you?) at their tables and learn from them the joys and sorrows of their lives on their terms, in their spaces. This vulnerability opens us to a new sense of solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world, and with you, of course, and a more authentic union with Christ vulnerable.
I think you would agree, all of life is being called into a radical surge of transformation. Covid challenged us to see this more clearly. Immediate knowledge of war, violence, forced migration, desecration of our common home, racism, and the collapse of our political systems not only reinforce the reality that change is the new normal, but they are the cries of people and creation to which our hearts and ears must be attuned. You can see our mission of prayer, community, and ministry is still very much needed in our world.
Through this transformative process, our place of operation has changed and our mission as women in service to God’s people and creation has been challenged to go deeper, to permeate boundaries, and open our hearts for the chance of an encounter with the Risen Christ in and through you and the other. For in the genuine meeting with the other we are changed.
Our ministry of prayer and prayer cards is constantly evolving and reclaiming the place of significance it once held for us and donors. Letting go of our concrete walls challenges us to be a province community without borders. No longer is it a roof that decides the community. It is Gospel, our vows, and our love for Jesus Christ and our sisters and brothers that hold us together. Our journey to “heart-space” included our travels through cyberspace, now recognized by some as mission territory. Being a pilgrim includes going to our limits in uncharted regions. Since covid restrictions have lifted, much of our ministry continues to evolve and expand on-line: spiritual companioning, supervision sessions, and a wide variety of programs for spiritual nourishment. Some of us are involved with and others are exploring ways of making in-person experiences available to seekers and those yearning for some spiritual nourishment.
If our mission is necessary for the transformation of the human heart, then your mission is also essential. Without a doubt, it is through your collaboration with us for the sake of the Gospel, that we are able to fully engage this emerging call of being pilgrim, of being Cenacle in body, heart, mind, and soul, of being ripe for authentic encounter, and of being receptive and responsive to the cries of the world.
If we are pilgrims, and you are walking with us, then you are a pilgrim, too. We do this walk together. If you have ever had the opportunity to do one of the most famous pilgrimages, the Camino de Santiago, or read about it, you know it is the community that makes the pilgrimage. It is your friendship and companionship, your prayerful and generous support that encourages and reassures us especially at this extraordinary crossroad in our life. As we have come to say in the Cenacle, “Pas sans toi!” “Not without you!” Let us continue this amazing journey toward a heartfelt encounter with the Risen Christ in and through all people and creation.
Thank you for your trust in us, for your largeness of heart, for resonating with our Gospel mission, and for reaching out with your support. We are most grateful. Please know you and your loved ones are in our daily prayers and we count on your prayers, as well. May this season of Thanksgiving prompt us all to sing songs of praise and thanksgiving to our Ever-Faithful and Provident God.
In the heart of Christ, for all of your Cenacle Sisters,
Pamela Falkowski, r.c.
Provincial Leader