On May 20th, a world-wide celebration of the Ignatian year begins. It was 500 years ago that St. Ignatius was gravely wounded in a battle which changed his future dramatically and began the process of his conversion. He was no longer focused on a life full of riches and worldly exploits, but rather his attention was drawn to the alluring whisper of God’s invitation. From May 20, 2021 through July 31, 2022 we are provided an opportunity to experience our own conversion and to live a transforming experience. It is a call to allow the Lord to reveal to us a new interior and apostolic life…”to see all things new in Christ.”
We are offering a series, “All Things Ignatian,” which will enable for you the opportunity to recognize God’s movements in your daily life as captured in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Over several sessions we will delve into the spiritual tools which allow us to see God in all things. This will occur by entering into and experiencing the STILLNESS AND SILENCE of heart as guided by the prayer method of lectio divina. That will be followed by exploring the art of DISCERNMENT. A greater understanding of God’s movement in your life will occur by using all your senses through contemplative prayer. Finally, the EXAMEN will guide the review of God’s presence among your daily experiences. You have the option of registering for the entire series below (saving $10) or attending and registering for the retreats individually. The choice is yours.
September 9 @ 10 AM Central (90 minutes)
October 14 @ 10 AM Central (90 minutes)
November 18 @ 10 AM Central (90 minutes)
About the facilitator:
Joan McGovern, companions individuals along their spiritual journey in various capacities of Hospital Chaplain, Spiritual Director, Retreat Facilitator and Bereavement Coordinator. She is certified to conduct the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Theology.